
1. Download the Apex Control app by clicking here.
2. Double click on the downloaded file, Apex Control.dmg. A Finder window will open, with the Apex Control app and a shortcut to your Applications folder. Drag the Apex Control app into your Applications folder.
3. Launch the program like others via Launchpad, or by typing “Apex Control” into Spotlight. Your Apex mouse must be connected to the computer (via USB-C, Bluetooth or 2.4GHz) for the app to function

1. Download the Apex Control app (Windows) by clicking here.
2. Double click on the downloaded file, Apex Control.exe and follow the instructions.
3. Launch the program like others via the Start Menu, or by typing “Apex Control” into the Windows Launcher. Your Apex mouse must be connected to the computer (via USB-C, Bluetooth or 2.4GHz) for the app to function.